Yealink EHS 36 Setup with Busy Buddy/Beacon

Updated by Hayden Everly on Mar 1, 2024

Yeah, usually. I mean, it’s a solid MAYBE. Setting it up is a little complicated but here’s how:

BusBuddy busy light lamp and box

For Sennheiser Headsets

Sennheiser setup with EHS36 and BusyBuddy

• Take your y-shaped cable and plug the bottom of the Y cord (RJ45 end) into the back of the cube under the green port. Plug the other RJ45 cable into the larger port of your Yealink box. Now the smaller cable of the y-cord is RJ9 size, plug that into busy light port with the 1-9 dial.

• Next take the RJ12 rounded cord that came with the Yealink EHS. It’s a short, straight cord. Plug one end into the smaller port of the Yealink box. Then plug other end into the EHS port of the Yealink telephone.

• Now head to the Busy Light and find the straight RJ9 cord that it comes with. Plug one side into the other port of the Busy Light box. Plug the other side into the headset jack of the Yealink telephone.

• Leave your handset and curly cord plugged into the telephone in the handset jack

• Set the Sennheiser base to compat A and dipswitch 1 down

• Compat on BusyBuddy should be set to 1 & 3, and the Busy Beacon should be set to I & I

• Last plug in the power cables for everything-- Sennheiser base, the Busy Light power cable, and the Busy Light lamp cable

• Stick the Busy Light wherever you like!

For Leitner Headsets

Leitner wireless setup with EHS36 and BusyBuddy

• Start with the straight RJ45 to RJ45 that came with the Yealink EHS. NOT the y-cable. Plug one end of this cord into the larger side of the Yealink box, plug the other end into the biggest jack in the back of the Leitner base.

• Next take the RJ12 rounded cord that came with the Yealink EHS. It’s a short, straight cord. Plug one end into the smaller port of the Yealink box. Then plug other end into the EHS port of the Yealink telephone.

• Now take the RJ9 to RJ9 cord that came with the Leitner. Plug one end into the middle of the 3 jacks in the back of the Leitner base (where it normally goes). Plug the other end into the Busy Light box next to the 1-9 dial.

• Now head to the Busy Light and find the straight RJ9 cord that it comes with. Plug one side into the other port of the Busy Light box, next to all the others. Plug the other side into the headset jack of the Yealink telephone.

• Leave your handset and curly cord plugged into the telephone in the handset jack

• Set the Leitner base to compat to 1 and the RHL/DHSG switch to DHSG

  • Compat on BusyBuddy should be set to 1 & 3, and the Busy Beacon should be set to I & I

• Last plug in the power cables for everything-- Leitner base, the Busy Light power cable, and the Busy Light lamp cable

• Stick the Busy Light wherever you like!

For Plantronics Headsets

• Using the straight, round 3.5mm cord that came with the Yealink EHS, connect the Plantronics headset base through the 3.5mm Jack under charging base and 3.5mm jack on Yealink Electronic Hookswitch.

• Next take the RJ12 straight cord that came with the Yealink EHS. It’s a short, straight cord. Plug one end into the smaller port of the Yealink box. Then plug other end into the EHS port of the Yealink telephone.

• Now take the connector cord that came with the Plantronics headset. Plug one end into the back (or underside for CS50 and CS55) of the Plantronics base (where it normally goes). Plug the RJ9 end into one port of the Busy Light box.

• Now head to the Busy Light and find the straight RJ9 cord that it comes with. Plug one side into the other port of the Busy Light box. Plug the other side into the headset jack of the Yealink telephone.

• Last plug in the power cables for everything-- Plantronics base, the Busy Light power cable, and the Busy Light lamp cable

• Leave your handset and curlycord plugged into the telephone in the handset jack

• Set the Plantronics base to compat 1 for CS 50 or CS 55 OR A for CS500 and Savi series

  • Compat on BusyBuddy should be set to 1 & 3, and the Busy Beacon should be set to I & I

• Stick the Busy Light wherever you like!

For Jabra Headsets

• First, get the straight, flat RJ45 cable that comes with the Yealink EHS. Connect one side to the RJ45 cable to the back of the Jabra headset base, connect the other side the RJ45 port in the Yealink box in the larger port.

• Now get the curly cord that came with the Yealink box. Attach one RJ9 side to the RJ9 jack in the back of the Jabra headset base. Attach the other RJ9 side to a port on the Busy Light box.

• Now head to the Busy Light and find the straight RJ9 cord that it comes with. Plug one side into the other port of the Busy Light box. Plug the other side into the headset jack of the Yealink telephone.

• Last plug in the power cables for everything-- Jabra base, the Busy Light power cable, and the Busy Light lamp cable

• Leave your handset and curly cord plugged into the telephone in the handset jack

• Set the Jabra base to compat 1 or A, depending on your model

  • Compat on BusyBuddy should be set to 1 & 3, and the Busy Beacon should be set to I & I

• Stick the Busy Light wherever you like!

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