The Loop Headset for Vocera B2000 Communication Badges. What is that?

Updated on Feb 7, 2024

We offer the Loop for Vocera B2000, if the Customer has any different version of Vocera like B3000 IT WILL NOT WORK. It only works w/ B2000

The Loop

But what is it?

·         Custom headset specially designed for use with Vocera B2000 Communications Badges

·         In-line microphone approved by Vocera

·         Earbud cabling allows for use in either right or left ear

·         Magnetic earbud holder holds the earbud securely out of your way when not in use. No more dangling earbuds or tangled cords!

·         Works with any 2.5mm cordless home telephone

Vocera has offered a wired headset integrated into the lanyard loop in the past, though this option is not made available with the introduction of the B3000.

There is the intention to develop an integrated headset lanyard for the B3000 badges in the future, as part of a comprehensive review of the B3000 accessory portfolio. However, any headset provided by Vocera must meet the quality standards of Vocera and the integration into a lanyard must take into account the use cases of the Vocera customers. The $1 headset from the local dollar store is unlikely to be built to a sufficiently high standard to integrate well with a Vocera communication badge.

Vocera contact # 888-986-2372

woman wearing The Loop

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