How to Uninstall EPOS Connect

Updated by Kamika Royal on Feb 7, 2024

Here's how to uninstall EPOS Connect (formerly called Sennheiser Updater and Headsetup Pro)

Windows 10:

  1. Open Control Panel (type this into Windows Search Bar)
  2. Select "Programs" (if you do not see this option, go to step 3)
  3. Click on "Programs and Features"
  4. Locate and click on "EPOS Connect"
  5. Right-click on "EPOS Connect" and select "Uninstall"
  6. In the EPOS Window that comes up, click "Uninstall" once again
  7. In the EPOS window, we should now see "Uninstall successfully completed"

Windows 11

  1. Type "uninstall" into the type-to-search area in your status bar
  2. Click "Add or remove programs"
  3. Find "EPOS Connect" in the list, click the 3 dots to the right, and click "Uninstall"
  4. Uninstalling EPOS Connect from Windows 11
  5. You will be asked to click "uninstall" again, then the computer will remove it from your hard drive!

If you are having issues getting this to work or have a Mac Computer, you can contact EPOS directly at 855-434-3767 and they should be able to help!

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